November 2014 Update from Gavin Mochan, Sales Director

Gavin_picSo what has been happening at s1jobs? Well we are humbled and ecstatic to pick up another NORA award for the best regional job board, a record breaking 6th time.

It would be a bit crass of me to beat my chest about why s1 has won this award so many times. So instead I caught up with Stephen O’Donnell, Chairman of the NORAs and asked for his views.

More than any other recruitment website, s1Jobs has been ever-present as a Finalist and Winner in the National Online Recruitment Awards since we began in 2001.

Winning the Best Regional Job Board award a record 6 times is recognition that s1jobs not only excels in delivering a fantastic technically advanced service, but also is intimately in touch with its audience throughout Scotland.

The NORAs are nominated by the general public, and in-turn judged from a candidate’s perspective. There are a string of features which s1 uniquely has as standard, which really makes for a great candidate experience. Chief amongst these is the ability to separate job ads posted by either recruitment firms or employers directly. This key feature was actually pioneered by s1jobs, puts a strong emphasis on employer’s brands, and discourages the use of anonymous job adverts, which can frustrate jobseekers.

It is also clear that advertisers are helped to produce the most appealing adverts possible, with clear information for applicants, and the vital ability to stay in control of the application process.
That this has led to a dominance of the Scottish market is of great appeal to both candidates and advertisers, making s1jobs the main focal point for the jobs market in Scotland.

For this reason, s1jobs has deservedly become the pulse of the Scottish recruitment sector and our most successful winner of the National Online Recruitment Awards.

Full credit is due to the team at s1 and our customers who continue to support us. Because it’s you who make us great.

Top 5 sectors in Scotland by job volume for November
Health & Social Care
Property & Construction
Top 5 sectors in Scotland by year on year growth
Health & Social Care – 104.41%
Property & Construction – 74.68%
Ancillary Services – 58.58%
Customer Service – 58.24%
Legal – 56.42%

