Don’t miss the s1jobs Recruitment Awards

Twitter_sponsor has served the people of Scotland for over 14 years now, even longer than the mighty Google has been around, and in that time we’ve strived to deliver a high quality job advertising and career management platform that is easy  to use and exclusive to the Scottish jobs marketplace.

Whilst many of our competitors have looked outward and now provide content on a global basis, we like to keep things close to home for our audience (which currently sits at close on 700,000 unique users – around a fifth of the working population of the country) and focus on the jobs marketplace north of the border.

The s1job Recruitment Awards recognises the incredible hard work and innovation that we see every day in recruitment operations, creation of employment opportunities, talent management and creative candidate engagement.

In recent years’, the scope of the awards has been expanded to encompass HR operations and to recognise the emergence of features such as social media and video in the recruitment process. Finding good talent with high skill-sets is always the hardest of tasks for any employer and with the labour market flourishing once again, it’s wholly appropriate that the s1jobs  Recruitment Awards shine a light on some of the unsung heroes who’ve gone above and beyond the call of duty on behalf of their employers.

This Thursday join us for a night of celebration at the s1jobs Recruitment Awards. The event takes place at Glasgow’s iconic Crown Plaza and only a handful of tickets remain – so make sure you don’t miss out.