Industry spotlight – Construction

Builder_text_finals1jobs has seen a positive start to 2014 in the Construction industry.

In April, vacancies increased by 49% on April 2013.
More than 46,000 applications made were made for construction jobs in January-April 2014. 
Over 35,000 searches for construction vacancies every month in 2014.
13.5k candidates registered on the CV database.


But not only is the construction industry showing signs of growth, it’s moving on too. Employers within the construction industry are starting to recognise that their candidates are no longer searching the papers for their next move.

Jennifer Brown of Contract Scotland comments…

“IT literacy is assumed these days rather than requested, take it from us; we haven’t seen a paper CV in years! Similarly newspaper advertising is a thing of the past.

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What’s new on s1jobs

Social Sharing


You can now share all your vacancies on your social channels with one simple set up.

It saves you having to post to all your individual networks once your vacancy is live.  With one set up, we’ll automatically push all your vacancies to your social networks once they’re live on our site, taking the hassle away from you.

You can stop this set up at any time and re-start when is suitable for you.

So why not reach a wider audience and set up social sharing now.  All you need to do is log in to your jobs manager account and visit the ‘my profile’ section where you’ll find all the info you need to add your social networks.

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Market Update from s1 Head of Sales, Gavin Mochan

Gavin_pic2014 in shaping up to be a great year for Scottish recruitment.  At the beginning of the year during the s1 recruitment awards I predicted that the ‘false’ economic starts seen previously would be a thing of the past.
Leading indicators such as consumer and business confidence, stock markets, money supply and construction tells us that there is serious momentum in the Scottish economy.  Importantly, employment levels in Scotland have exceeded those of before the 2008 market crash.  This is great news for us in recruitment because it gives us the opportunity to look forward without constantly having to look over our shoulders with fear.

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Apprenticeship Boost on Scotland’s Largest Job Site

QA_final2s1jobs, Scotland’s No 1 recruitment platform, is to underline its commitment to job seekers and employers by featuring high volumes of apprentice vacancies for the first time.

s1jobs has secured a partnership agreement with QA Apprenticeships, the UK’s leading learning business, which will result in around 150 posts being advertised over the summer months.

The partnership, announced during Scottish Apprentice Week, will increase the chances of the right candidate being matched with an apprenticeship role as they will be advertised to one of the largest job-seeking audiences in Scotland.

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